When I called John Fandek about joining him for a day’s work at the Black Butte feedground, he casually mentioned he had a second snowmobile for me. I had to admit my inexperience in driving snowmobiles. He assured me the trail to the feedground was packed by his daily passage. I drove slowly, and thankfully didn’t embarrass myself.
On assignment with outfitters packing in gear into the backcountry, I rode along as a self-sufficient unit: ride horse, pack horse, camp gear and food. With only two hands, it was a juggle of my horse's reins, my pack horse's lead rope, and my camera.
It was still night when I entered the University of California, Davis researchers' blind on a greater sage-grouse lek. They warned me that we couldn't depart the blind until the grouse finished their morning strut. The hours flew by as if they were minutes. It fascinated me, and my camera, to be mere feet from the grouse's mating dance.
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